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Parth Daga


Senior Undergraduate with Majors in Chemical Engineering along with Minors in Computer Science. 

Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar



Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India




Date of Birth:

November 29th, 2000​



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Hello! I'm Parth


I'm really passionate about solving problems and by this, I don't mean hardcore mathematics or engineering, but real-life problems. Being a keen observer, I strongly believe that you can always learn from each and everything around you, and each problem has an overlooked perspective. I am an autodidact in Python. I like to act and watch movies. 

May 2021 - July 2021


Backend Developer | Block Armour.

Acquaintance with the software development life-cycle through the conceptualization and implementation of two-factor implementation through soft tokens using Google Authenticator. Designed the backend SQL database along with the implementation of logic using the Django and NodeJS APIs. Strengthened the development by adding a reset functionality for the smooth recovery of the lost credentials.

May 2021 - July 2021


Backend Developer | JetaTech.

Made a Face recognition system using python owing to the attendance of employees project. Created a chat-bot using Amazon web services (Amazon Lex) enhancing it with the help of serverless compute service AWS Lambda. Integrated the feature of sentiment analysis and amazon connect to enrich the user experience.

May 2020 - June 2020


Sales Development Intern | Recko Inc.

Recko being a financial reconciliation company, carefully analyzed the domain of financial infrastructure of a company, surveyed over the geographical region of North America and made a documentation of potential leads. Pitched the product to the authority in concern of the company and initiated a conversation for B2B deals.

April 2020- June 2020


Prof. Himanshu Goyal | IIT Madras

Worked on the particle scale modelling for chemical-looping applications. Built a python program to solve for the model as a whole and conducted a sensitivity analysis on the parameters to get an intuitive approach towards the problem statement.

May 2019- May 2020

Position of Responsibility

Senator | IIT Gandhinagar

Elected Representative from the batch of 180 students, to represent in the Student Senate of the Institute. Fathomed out the problems faced by the student community as a whole and implemented the corrective measures.

August 2018- November 2019

Position of Responsibility

Marketing Executive | Amalthea, IIT Gandhinagar

Selected as a marketing executive for the annual technical summit. Utilized my full potential for developing marketing strategies. Supervised and mentored a team, to escalate the outreach and to analyse the pitfalls and overcome them.


Advisor: Prof Sameer Kulkarni

November 2020

Made a Twitter clone using the concepts of socket programming and encryption in python. Developed a user interface using Tkinterfor making the user experience more real-time. Implemented Fattree topology using Mininet which helps to manage simultaneous clients on the server and congestion control.

Website to solve the Steady State Problems

Advisor: Professor Kaustubh Rane

November 2019

Used basic applications of Javascript to create a website that solves problems based on the steady-state principle using the material balance principle. Currently working on updating the same website for multistep processes involving recycle streams.

Examined the properties of Carbon dioxide

Advisor: Dr Atul Bhargav

October 2019

Researched on the properties of carbon dioxide in all three states, Built-up a report for the proper documentation of research and for the better understanding presented the 3D model to explain the properties verified during experimental research.


Advisor: Dr Madhu Vadali

May 2018

Designed the model using Autodesk and documented an in-depth report on its working. Built a ride by side cycle from the scratch using various machines in the workshop.  Installed a carrier having a maximum payload capacity of 50 kgs. I and my fellow peers exerted utmost efforts to create a social utility i.e. usable for solving the day to day transportation and logistic problem.





Adobe Premiere Pro



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